In Honduras there is no credit score, but there is a credit bureau. I know it because friends of mine work there. It's embarrasing when we discuss work stuff and they tell me anecdotes about their job and I know that i'm in their database because of all the late payments and all the debt i'm still paying.
The problem i've had lately is that my morning job is paying me very late. I'm sending my invoices on the 15th and getting paid on the 25 or 29th and I send the other invoice on the 30th and end up getting paid on the 13th or 14th. This is wrecking my credit card payment schedule. So they are once again calling me to pay, and I have to explain that I don't have the money until I get paid. Obviously they don't care and just want a promise from me, I try to set the promise as far in the future as I can. Sometimes I get 30 days behind and get charged late fees, but there's not much I can do.
Top that up with car trouble on both cars last month and I've been squeezed. I'm proud that I have only used my only available credit card to buy my blood pressure pills one night that I just didn't have enough cash on hand to buy it, the next day I would get money from my emergency fund. However I didn't pay it back then, as I'm hoping to get this new payment soon and pay it back from there.
If I had a credit score I think it would be 0, as I usually get at least one call every month. One card or the other goes past the due date for a couple of days.
Anyway..I gotta get back to work, I am grateful to have these jobs. Otherwise I don't know what I would be doing now.
Have a good day and stay out of debt!